Making local connections for meaningful community service and engagement. Inspiration for the Get Involved website for students
(San Francisco Bay Area, AKA: Silicon Valley)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Community Service on Martin Luther King Day and Mitvah Day
Enjoy this video celebrating the greater community efforts of 900! volunteers!
Determining Nonprofit Impact on Civic Engagement
[image: Greater nonprofit advocacy could give voice to more people.]
Nonprofit organizations have been described as the backbone of American
democracy. The...
Anxiety and Communication
In honor of World Mental Health Day's theme for this year, the workplace,
here is a guest blog post by Markus van Alphen that talks about how to deal
with ...
UGIVE.ORG presents the #howdougive Video Contest!
Come enter our #howdougive video contest! This video is a profile of your
high school service. We want to know with this video: An inside look on
your comm...
Another Great "PIF" Story
Dear PIF,
I want to take a minute to write a thank you, for your great charity and
kindness towards the Pay It Forward Foundation and your donation of the ...
The Power of Half: One Family's Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back, by Kevin Salwen and Hannah Salwen. 2010, Houghton Mifflen Harcourt.
"Do Something: A Handbook for Young Activists," by Nancy Lublin. 2010, Workman Publishing.
"How to Make a Difference: Over 1,000 ways to serve at home, in your community, and in the world," by Catherine E. Poelman. 2002, Shadow Mountain.
160 Ways to Help the World: Community Service Projects for Young People," by Linda Leeb Duper. 1996.
"Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul," by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. 2002, Health Communications, Inc.
"Giving is Living: 101 Ways to Practice Effortless Generosity," by Marnie & Tisha Howard. 2009, Hatherleigh.
"Make a Difference: America's Guide to Volunteering and Community Service," by Arthur I. Blaustein. 2003, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
"Take Action! A Guide to Active Citizenship," by Marc Kielburger, Craig Kielburger. 2002, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
"The Handbook to Building a Better World," with Stephanie Land. 2009, Action Without Borders.
"Volunteering: The Ultimate Teen Guide," by Kathleen Gay. 2004, Scarecrow Press.
Words that Work
Mercy, n. 1. kindness in excess of what may be expected or demanded by fairness; forbearance and compassion 2.) the power to forgive or be kind. Syn.tolerance, favor, compassion.
"All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough." ~Anna Quindlen, A Short Guide to a Happy Life.
"I know not what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." ~Albert Schweitzer, quoted in The 8th Habit by Steven Covey.
Slog, vi. 1. to make one's way with great effort; plod 2. to work hard at something; toil. ~New World Dictionary
Make a Difference...
Use the Good Works Blog as a resource to inspire everyday acts of good will, or to explore volunteering and community service in your world.
1.) In the World: Write letters to anyone(!) serving in the military, organize or participate in a blood drive, write letters and emails to elected officials to vote for specific environmental initiatives.
2.) In the Community: Gather new socks and underwear for a nearby homeless shelter or resource center, gather non-perishable food (especially during summer months) for a food bank, offer to sing and/or play an instrument at a convalescent home.
3.) In the Neighborhood: Offer to rake your neighbor's leaves, collect trash at nearby park, bake a special cake for a friend when it's not their birthday!
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